ASCER/Tile of Spain, in collaboration with the ITC Habitat Trends Observatory and with the support of the Council of Treasury, Economy and Public Administration of the Valencian Region, has organized a workshop to introduce and analyze the trends in ceramic surfaces with the press of the decoration and lifestyle sector.
The event, held at a centric art gallery in Madrid, was attended by about 15 writers and specialists in interior design and decoration. During the session, the attendees received information on the 2024/25 ceramic trends, with examples of new releases by the Tile of Spain companies, and later participated in a practical workshop in which they created moodboards with ceramic samples following the four trends detected by the Observatory: Geo-Primalism, Organic-Essence, Ultra-Dynamic and Extra-Ordinary. They also received general information about the industry, its projects and activities aimed at the interior designers and architects, like the Ceramic Awards , which are currently holding their 23rd edition; as well as their publications with different uses of ceramics like “Ceramic. The outer layer of Architecture”; or their participation in industry-specific trade shows.
This promotional activity of the ceramic sector and the Tile of Spain companies is encompassed in the partnership agreement between ASCER and the Council of Treasury, Economy and Public Administration of the Valencian Region.